News: 4th December 2008
Those characters which left their belongings in their Priida depot, rather than send them over to Rhanda, can now find those items at the Ab'Dendriel depot, 1 level underground. The depot boxes above ground are still Ab'Dendriel depot boxes.
News: 1st December 2008
Welcome to Austera, the Australian RL OTS.
The server upgrade has been completed and the server seems stable. If any major bugs occur that either advantage or disadvantage a player I may consider a database reset to 12pm, 1st of December 2008.
Over the next few days/weeks I will make changes to the site to reflect the new server.
News: 1st December 2008
Server is OFFLINE for upgrade.
Sorry for any inconvenience
Archived news: May 2008, June 2008, July 2008, August 2008, September 2008, October 2008, November 2008